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Les astronomes ont longtemps invoqué des collisions pour expliquer la structure étrange de Mercure. Aujourd’hui, des chercheurs de l’université du Maryland (États-Unis) et de l’université de Tohoku (Japon) suggèrent qu’il faut plutôt chercher du côté du magnétisme. © revers_jr, Adobe Stock

We know why Mercury has such a big heart of iron

Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, has a large heart. A heart in proportion to the size of his coat. And full of iron. Researchers now say that this is due to the magnetic field of our star.

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Very close to the sun, Mercury lives in hell, where light shines at 400 C, while on the other hand it cools to -150 C. Is hard to reach (because it goes fast), which was flown in orbit from 2011 to 2015, especially by Messenger (NASA). Among the antibodies of the giant abyss called Calories, the machine made it possible to understand the relief of confusion. : The impact was so strong that it shook the little planet. This video shows a reconstruction. Since then, Mercury has calmed down and stopped its orbit around the Sun.

Mercury is the closest planet சோலைல். It was only approached by two space missions. Mariner10 (NASA), It flew three times in 1974 and 1975, and Ambassador (NASA), which put itself inside Around the circular path Around Mercury Visit this region The Solar System From Mission Peppy Colombo (European Space Agency, ESA; and Japanese Space Agency, Jaxa) is scheduled for 2025.

Some missions but they taught Astronomers, Among other things, the mass of the nucleus Do Wednesday was appropriate for its size Code. Of the center The smallest planet in our solar system, In fact, represents three-quarters of its mass. And its radius is measured to be more than 2,000 km. His coat is no more than 400 kilometers. Characteristics of Mercury becoming a dense planet in our solar system.

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Astronomers were initially eager to explain this difference by colliding with dramatic effects. A large planet would have been sacrificed and lost most of its envelopes in the catastrophe. Thus shaping the Mercury we know. But still University of Maryland researchers (USA) and Doho University (Japan) now offer another explanation. The density, mass and iron content of the center of a rocky planet are affected by the Sun and its distance. Magnetic field.

Use the sample to study the exoplanets

“Distribution Materials First Solar family in formation Controlled by the sun’s magnetic field., Explains Professor William McDonough Geography, In one University of Maryland Press Release. According to him, in Cloud At that time the dust and gas around the sun were spinning and the iron grains were attracted to our magnetic field. Star. So the planets that started to form nearby have added more iron to their iron.

This is how astronomers know about the planets in our solar system. But to really confirm this, researchers need to find at least one planetary system similar to ours. A system with Terrestrial planets Distributed at a greater distance from their host star. If the density of the planets decreases as they move away from the stars, this may indicate that the magnetic field is actually affecting planetary formation.

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And so on Magnetism Can be taken into account in the efforts to describe the combination of exoplanets Rock. In particular the composition of a planet’s nucleus appears to be critical to its ability to support life. On earth, for example, an iron core Fusion Create one Magnetic field It protects our planet Cosmic rays Harmful. The nucleus also has a majority Phosphorus This is one of the planets Nutrition It is important to sustain a carbon based life. The problem is that there is no way yet to determine the magnetic properties of a star from observations from our Earth.

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