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Visitare il Museo del Calcio: il regalo del Natale di molti bimbi. Domani apertura straordinaria

Visit the Football Museum: Christmas gifts for many children. Extraordinary opening ceremony tomorrow

These are the days when families “meet” at the Football Museum. Today, December 31st, in particular, is “Family Day” with hundreds of tickets sold out. Collectible cards with a picture of the Assyrian victory at Wembley.

At 9.50am, when the museum opened, people were waiting in line to enter.

Generations parked in front of display boxes with monuments. Leonardo, junior visitor, 8 years old. “I asked Santa for a ticket to the football museum. I wanted to see the jersey of the European champions and the Wembley final. I’m so happy. ”

Visitors come from all over Italy. Most from March, Buglia and Campania.

After that Grandpa Francesco is in his 90s. Through Assuri’s shirts and shoes he tells his grandson the story of Italy. His voice is excited.

The museum collects on its exhibition path from the 1920s to January 15, 1920 the Italian-Austrian Pennant (which in a few days turns “a century”) a room dedicated to European champions.

The Digital-looking football museum with the new processor will be free to download and support while driving, which will be open daily from 10am to 6pm in January.

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