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Video shows us free games for fall 2021 -

Video shows us free games for fall 2021 –

Microsoft has been releasing for a long time Video Dedicated to games Xbox Game Boss Already available to play in the fall of 2021. The film is proposed in a paradoxical way, as a “guide to peace”, to calm the beaches, forests and mountains.

The Xbox Game Pass video is divided into sections. After the introduction, The FPS, DOOM (2016), Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, Mechwarrior 5, and Prodeus. Then we talk about games athlets, Steep, Skate, UFC4, Knockout City, The Catch: Carp & Rough Fishing.

Knockout City
Knockout City

The third part of the video is dedicated Action and adventure games, Come For Raw, Dragon Quest Builders 2, Gang Beast, Psychonats, Hades, Twelve Minutes, Spine, Lover Dungeon, Mist. This parla poi delle simulation comes with Farming Simulator 19, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Snowrunner.

The final type is dedicated Participating and strategic games; This type can play Iron Harvest, Chris Tale, Mankind, Dungeons & Dragons Dark Alliance, Fall 3, The Ascent, Yakuza Like a Dragon and Microsoft Solitaire collection. In conclusion, in this regard Driving games, vengono mostrati Dirty Rally 2.0, Need for Speed ​​Hot Pursuit Remaster, Dirt 4, Grid e Dirt Rally.

Video message Xbox Game Boss It’s clear: there are tons of great games on Microsoft’s subscription service. Tell us, which of these are the most interesting in your opinion?

Finally, we point to 13 Xbox game pass games coming in the second half of September 2021.