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Very rare "primitive black hole" discovery

Very rare “primitive black hole” discovery

The discovery fills a void in the study of black holes. Australian scientists have announced the discoveryBlack hole is a very rare species, According to a study by Australian physicists published on Monday 29 March Natural astronomy.

“It simply came to our notice thenIntermediate-sized black hole of such massJames Panther, a doctoral student at the University of Melbourne School of Physics, told AFP, “If the discovery is confirmed, She will fill a void This plots experts in the physics of black holes. This material, theorized by Einstein, concentrates its substance with such density that it prevents even light from escaping its gravitational force.

To date we know only two families. Star black holes, Miniatures formed by the fall of a dying star, whose mass goes up to ten of our sun. At the other end, ogres lurk in the heart of each galaxy, Supermassive black holes.

The forerunner of miracle black holes?

Very logically, “so we wondered if there were no black holes in the intermediate mass,” explains Frederick Keth, deputy director of the Millimeter Radio Astronomical Institute. If these do not play a role in the appearance of their miracle connoisseurs. “We think we can count 40,000 intermediate black holes in our galaxyProfessor Rachel Webster, an astrophysicist and co-author of the study, told AFP.

According to his colleague Eric Traine of the Australian University Monash, it may beA “primitive black hole”, Created in the childhood of the universe. In a huge mass, these objects “Pioneers of miracle black holes“, Its origin is not described, he wrote in a press release.

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This is to ensure that this finding is made undeniable. Because as Frederick Keith points out, if there are black holes in the intermediate mass, “it means we haven’t really noticed yet.”Not a lot, And thatls are formed under very specific circumstances“.

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