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Vaccination certification is available online

Vaccination certification is available online

Vaccination certificate for Govt-19 has already been issued for vaccination from May 3. A tele service allows all vaccinated people to download and print.

The certified vaccine certificate will serve as the official source for various applications. For example, to attend large gatherings of more than 1,000 people at certain types of concerts or exhibitions or any other place or event.


You can now download a certificate online to prove that you were vaccinated against Govt-19.

© H.S. Hashim

Simple scan to verify your certificate

This certificate is issued by 2 visible electronic stamps: a Datamatrix and a Qr-code.
Datamatrix and QR-code to identify the vaccinated person allow data to be recorded in the Dows-Antigovit application manual. You must flash it to push the certified vaccine certificate into use.

Covit-19 vaccination certificate

This is your vaccination certificate.

© Ministry of Health and Solidarity

For those who have been vaccinated since May 3, the certificate is issued immediately after vaccination. Otherwise you can download it from the site Or you can ask it during consultation with your doctor or any health professional authorized to vaccinate.
Those who have been vaccinated before May 3 have the opportunity to obtain a vaccination certificate from Social Security or its affiliates …