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Update 0.91 Available, Complete Patch Notes of the November 5 Update -

Update 0.91 Available, Complete Patch Notes of the November 5 Update –

EFootball 2022 Update 0.9.1 PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PS5 and Xbox Series X | Available now on S (November 5, 2021). Here is all the news of this update shared by Official Link Notes.

Are here Problems solved eFootball 2022 update from 0.91:

  • Potential usage failure due to error.
  • Some players will appear in floating clothing or disappear completely in the pre-match party.
  • Some players may appear dressed in the ‘Select Uniform’ menu.
  • The lights in the Select Currency menu may not work properly.
  • Items in the background may appear blurred in the pre-match select panel menu.
  • Some items may not appear in pre-game cut scenes due to slow loading times.
  • During the pre-match national anthems and post-match celebrations, the players’ hands unnaturally touch each other.
  • Field grass does not appear in three dimensions during pre-match cutting shots.
  • Some elements, such as cameramen on the sidelines, may disappear during celebrations after a target.
  • Some billboards around the stadium may display false images.
  • Some elements, such as cameraman models, can overlap the structures of the arena during scenes.
  • Some commands do not work if ‘body protection’ is assigned to a button other than the basic one.
  • Transition animation may not appear properly before replays.
  • During a match the referee will sometimes be stuck on the surface of the pitch.
  • The wrong codeine may appear for a moment when switching between camelsins in the game.
  • Players fail to block low passes from a corner kick.
  • Players (excluding set piece shooters) may cross billboards and leave the field during a corner kick.
  • The set kicker can catch the ball with his hands when he is going to take a corner kick.
  • During a goal kick, the goalkeeper kicks the ball even though it is far away from the ball. This occurs if a level change command is executed before impact.
  • Some commands have no effect if they are entered simultaneously with the command to change the cursor during the game.
  • When trying to kick the ball the player loses it completely.
  • If the ball is thrown while crossing the goal line, the goal may not be delivered by mistake.
  • Some players may suddenly disappear during a match.
  • Sometimes an alternative video will be displayed in the wrong context.
  • Referees may also start slipping in the period prior to kick-off.
  • If the quick throw results offside, the replay may not be displayed.
  • Replay cameras are sometimes unstable.
  • False elements may appear during target celebrations. In particular, everything close to the camera (and should be invisible) is displayed.
  • Players can get caught in the goal net while celebrating a goal near the goal.
  • Some scoring celebrations rarely appear on availability after scoring.
  • Facial animation error creates unnatural expressions on players’ faces.
  • When switching cameras from the pause menu, the preview will flash for a while.
  • The referee’s long sleeve uniform may not appear during the match.
  • Players’ graphics can have bugs and make their appearance weird.
  • Graphic errors, such as the ball floating in the middle, may appear when playing again after scoring a goal.
  • The visible replay in the pause menu may be too short to see the action taken just seconds before the pause.
  • When replacing cameras or framed players during replay, some players may blink for a moment.
  • Two or more balls may appear in the game at the same time. For example, the problem may occur after viewing the resume from the menu that was suspended during the match.
  • Some players may slip on the ground during replay. This is a different movement than what happens during a match.
  • The rest of the time may not appear exactly during the online game.
  • The suspended menu will not open in the second half of the tournament.
  • Match Options Screen Matchmaking takes a very long time to load after online matches.
  • Online Match Match Matchmaking can take a long time to go to the next screen when a user exits.
  • The pre-match tab may not appear during the online contest.
  • When switching between screens, the wrong screen may appear brief in the menus.
  • Instead of match results for a particular event, the results of the 20 most recent matches in all events are incorrectly displayed.
  • A connection error message may appear after closing the panel.
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Football players of eFootball 2022
Football players of eFootball 2022

Featured changes in version Steam eFootball 2022 Update 0.91:

  • If the graphic quality item is set to ‘High’, the bottom of the screen will glow during competition.
  • Some screens may appear out of position when using an Ultra White monitor.
  • Windows
  • If the graphic quality item is set to ‘High’, the bottom of the screen will glow during the competition.
  • Some screens may appear out of position when using an Ultra White monitor.
  • Goals can be achieved even if the respective conditions are not met.

Featured changes in version PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 eFootball 2022 Update 0.91:

  • Comment cannot be played during a game that is played immediately after installation, when only certain features are present.
  • Trophies may be awarded even if the respective conditions for obtaining trophies are not met.

Featured changes in version Xbox Series X | S and Xbox One eFootball 2022 Update 0.91:

  • Comment cannot be played during a game that is played immediately after installation, when only certain features are present.
  • Goals can be achieved even if the respective conditions are not met.

Finally, the deities were used Improvements For issues listed below, but they do occur from time to time (Konami is working hard to fix them completely):

  • Some players may slip on the ground during a match.
  • Players can run, especially during post-goal celebrations.
  • Player models may be distorted when colliding with each other and their movements may seem unnatural.
  • Some mistakes may not be called, however they are clearly punishable.
  • During a match the ball can pass through a player’s body.
  • The response to the entered commands may decrease during games.
  • The speed of the ball and the movement of the players may decrease during matches.
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Finally, we remind you that the eFootball 2022 update 1.0 has been postponed to the spring of 2022.