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Upcoming release, maybe already today?

Upcoming release, maybe already today?

We know that CD Project Red is workingThe next generation The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, We haven’t heard anything about it since the first announcement last year but it seems like something is moving behind the scenes.

Today The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Game of the Year Edition PS5 and Xbox Series X / S Appeared in the PEGI database, A system that classifies and evaluates video games coming to Europe. It should be noted that the indicated release date is set for October 19th, so does the CD project intend to release an update today?

We certainly cannot rule out this possibility Nothing prevents the studio from announcing the availability of the update abruptly and without previous communications. The upgrade game with the PS5 and Xbox Series X and series bonuses and the update is still free for anyone who owns the game on the PS4 and Xbox One versions.

This next generation update not only includes an advanced technology field but also includes some Content based on The Witcher Netflix TV series, Preparing to return with a second season in December.