According to a UN internal report, North Korea is advancing its nuclear program despite international sanctions. According to a report by a UN panel of experts available to the German Press Agency, authoritarianism continues to maintain and develop “its nuclear and ballistic missile programs in violation of UN Security Council resolutions.”
Although no nuclear or ballistic missile tests have been reported by 2020, North Korea continues to “produce viscous materials, maintain nuclear facilities and improve its missile infrastructure.” In the meantime it is looking for the necessary items and will know abroad, it said.
The nuclear program is funded, among other things, by hacking activities directly carried out by the North Korean secret service. These are the recently targeted “virtual property channels and asset managers” and security companies.
In addition, ruler Kim Jong Un has systematically violated UN sanctions, including the limited import of refined oil and other commodities, for example by exchanging goods between ships at sea.
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UN experts emphasize that Pyongyang’s leading military parades show “new ballistic missile systems with short-range, medium-range, submarine launch capabilities and ICBMs.” The government has announced the testing and production of new warships for ballistic missiles and the development of tactical nuclear weapons.
The country, isolated due to its nuclear weapons program, has been developing and testing various types of missiles of all borders that can be launched from land or water for many years. Submarine missiles are very difficult to catch by the enemy.
Kim called the United States the “main enemy.”
North Korea’s most recent military parade, and the previous eight – day party conference, took place shortly before the inauguration of new US President Joe Biden – at one time negotiations between the United States and North Korea over its nuclear program.
During Congress, Kim described the United States as the “main enemy.” He also announced that his country would strengthen its nuclear barrier with new weapons, including the new ICPM. Pioneer Donald Trump had several meetings with Kim but did not affect Kim’s nuclear program. (dpa)
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