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Ubisoft: A immersive park in France for 2025!  |  Xbox One

Ubisoft: A immersive park in France for 2025! | Xbox One

Ubisoft and Storyland Studios Announce Future Studios Announcing the Growth of the World’s First Ubisoft Immersive Center at Occitani Mediterranean. This theme, multi-brand entertainment experience, directly inspired by Ubisoft games, will be the first in a series of places to immerse visitors in the interactive worlds.

An innovative concept

Notice Last summer, Ubisoft created a surprise by choosing to set up theme parks in France and more particularly in Beijing. Bruno Gronje, director of Future Studios Occitani Mediterranean, did not hide his joy:

We are pleased to announce that Studios Occitanie is the first site to welcome the revolutionary concept of the Ubisoft Express Speed ​​Center. Video games have gradually established themselves as the primary form of entertainment. It’s natural for us to team up with one of the world’s leading video game publishers to create a new kind of high-speed experience that celebrates gaming culture.

On Ubisoft’s side, represented by the voice of Mathilde Bresson, a representative of its entertainment arm, we explain that we would like to offer an interactive story system implemented by Wonder Augmented Reality Technology:

Ubisoft is pleased to partner with Studios Oxidani as part of this ambitious project with the aim of reviving our gaming world in France. We could not have imagined a better place to build our first high speed hub than the Montpellier area where Ubisoft Studios is located, behind our most famous characters like Ramon or the Raving Rabbits.

In addition to the Immersive Center, Ubisoft and Storyland Studios work on a large-scale Ubisoft theme park concept: “Both projects are intended to be used in many different markets and potential locations,” says Model Bresson. Ambitious plans, the first of which, in France, will not see the light of day before 2025.

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