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Two tier DLCs and many more are planned by athletes

Two tier DLCs and many more are planned by athletes

From Andreas Link
According to data mining, two tier DLC and multiplayer are planned for Cyberpunk 2077. The latter in particular is a bit surprising, but should be financially important if you are to be able to retain players in the end.

CD Project hosted a stream to deliver the 1.3 update for Red Cyberbank 2077, but said nothing more about the future of the game other than free DLC. You will continue to provide links and content, so developers. So you have to consider that buying DLC ​​and multiplayer mode is not a big issue right now. But now rumors about the future of the game are spreading through DLC and multiplayer.

According to Tyler McGuire, who uses data mining to determine this, the multiplayer system is actually said to be more advanced. This comes as a bit of a surprise as the multiplayer mode for Cyberpunk 2077 is said to have been canceled. There was talk of “canceled” in English, which can certainly be explained in different ways. From an economic point of view, multiplayer mode should be even more important and contribute significantly to the longevity of the game – GDA Online is an all-encompassing program. Now the question is how to recover the frustrated players. But even that is not impossible, as other topics have already shown.

So you can get players back and new ones via two single player DLC. According to McGuire, two major story enhancements are currently planned – such as The Witcher 3. which confirmed that the CD project is based on Red Witcher 3. The time limit for DLCs is short, because if you wait too long, the interest in the game may sink so far that even a good story will not allow the DLC to be revived – especially in the difficult environment of Cyberbunk 2077 Trapped in a trembling release.

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Cyberbunk 2077 Update 1.3: Changelog for free DLC link and content

Looking back at The Witcher 3, there are about 5 months between the release of the game and the first DLC, and one year between the release and the second DLC. One would have expected a similar timetable for Cyberpunk 2077 – but it was postponed during the flat release. For more than a year, players will not have to wait for the first story DLC, which is why it will be released before or during the Christmas business. At the same time, there were rumors that parts of the Polish team had begun working on The Witcher 4.

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