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Two Hotfix drivers ready for Battlefield 2042 game

Two Hotfix drivers ready for Battlefield 2042 game

From Thilo Bayer
496.76 WQHL, actually launched as a game-ready driver for Battlefield 2042, already has two custom hotfix drivers. Dice shooter is not even a problem.

On November 16th we reported about GeForce driver 496.76 WQHL, which is mainly used Game-ready driver for Battlefield 2042 shooter Marketed. Unusual for Nvidia: Two custom hotfix drivers were later released, 496.84 and 496.98, but they did not resolve any issues with the BF2042.

Geforce driver: 496.84 and 496.98 What problems do they solve?

The focus of the Hotfix improvements started with 496.76 Nvidia Image Scaling (NIS)But not exclusively. Emerging from Nvidia Image Sharpening, NIS is no longer just a pure sharpening algorithm, but a FSR-style spatial upscaling process. Compared to its rival from AMD, NIS should stand out due to its excellent reconstruction and efficient shaders. However, the new tool caused problems for some users.

So it appeared on November 16th. Already Geforce Hotfix version 496.84Often the one who handled a problem. For some users, game image resizing resolutions are not displayed after the new installation or after “over-installation” on version 496.49. Put Nvidia back on after November 24th With 496.98. Games on the GeForce GTX 750D did not launch properly, although NIS was enabled after 496.84. That should be a thing of the past now. But there were also the following corrections:

  • [YouTube]: YouTube website shows extreme variance / gamma values ​​approximately when idle or while playing video.
  • [Notebook]: Some Optimus notebooks with 1440p / 165hz panels may have a black screen in standalone GPU mode.
  • If you use G-SYNC enabled Adaptive Vertical Sync, an accidental black screen may occur.
  • [Red Dead Redemption 2/Doom Eternal]: The game crashes due to an expiration error or the system crashes while the game is running.
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Nvidia always points out that its hotfix drivers are beta versions, “they are optional and delivered without flaws”. However, they do go through a “highly reduced QA process”. The only reason they exist is to “make them available to you quickly”. The contents of the Hotfix drivers are also available in the next WQHL driver.

Problems with Geforce driver 496.76 WQHL? Use the feedback function to let us know what you think.

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