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Torre Annunziata, il sindaco scarica Ariano e difende Ammendola. Poi studia il ribaltone salva-poltrona

Torre Angiotta overthrows Mayor Ariano and defends Amendola. Then he reads Armchair Chair-Storage Reverse – Metropolisweb

Tore Angiatta. Download Nuncio Ariano, manager of the technical office arrested for corruption (he says he betrayed me because he stole money), not former deputy mayor Vincenzo Amendola, who was jailed as part of the same investigation (“he was arrested only on the basis of verdicts and clues.” He adds). He says he feels “politically responsible for all the choices made,” and in the end he says firmly: “I will do everything I have done in these four years.” Vincenzo Askione, the mayor of Torre Angiada, is a tight-lipped walker, ignoring the social, administrative and political urgency of his city and scrutinizing the crowd with the aim of reaching the end of the mandate. To succeed in his only mission now, he is thinking of forming a new church within a few days “in my image and unity” and proposing a cross-cutting agreement that is open to all forces in the city council. 3 or 4 objectives over the next 12 months.

A desperate attempt to save face may even be in the race for a second time, perhaps born out of a lack of political logic and pure personal aspirations with a new and impossible alliance. At the face-saving meeting, if the documents still make sense, there should be no Democrats, so Assyron should not have the support of the council committee, as the party’s neopolitian leaders considered it “the administrative experience of Torre Angiatta”.

To know in advance from here a resolution of hope in the courtroom, however, we pass the option of going home. “Democrats have made a free choice,” Askion said. “A choice I do not accept, I believe it is not a definite one”, that is, I open a door if someone wants to go inside. However, sticking to the mayor’s chair is a drag when it comes to addressing the political responsibilities of management in the Democratic Party. “The party shared all the choices, including the appointment of Deputy Mayor Luigi Amendola. I would like to recall, the Marshal of Guardia de Finanza. The mayor who continued to represent the party at the negotiating table at the time was Paulo Percico (now heading a commission unit).

He acknowledges that there was an edge of dissent led by former Secretary Francesco Savaris, but is trying to change that. “In my opinion, the controversies are simply linked to the ambition to select a future candidate for mayor. In fact, I have never received or considered accurate reports of episodes of corruption.” However, there are clear and concise documents condemning the work of his congregation, especially the works of Luigi Amendola. Askion climbs in the mirror and crashes against Lorenzo Diana, the deputy mayor who resigned after discovering abuses inside the technical office in order to protect his work. He denies public announcements and resignations. Resignation is raising the white flag, but I humanely understand who has settled himself in this situation. I respect Diana’s story of the deadly struggle against illegality in Castle de Principe, but here she does not want to investigate the problems of the territory.

It is a concept that contradicts the words uttered by Diana as deputy mayor of Torre Angiota on issues of crime, primary school dropout, social degradation and administrative transparency. “I notice that there is still a little bit of courage on the part of the city in the fight against crime, but it is unusual to deny the existence of movements, associations and people trying to do so.” There is a knot that Asgion pretends not to see: two people close to him are in jail as part of the bribery investigation. He clings to the chair and says, “I believe in the arrival of the Access Commission, so we will light everything up.”

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If the shadows and responsibilities are many, the results to be announced after four years of administration are very low. On the list of happy notes, the mayor is forced to mention nightlife in Karwa in order to put impossible medals on his chest. He also tries to play with misunderstandings, and at the end of the conference he spreads a short statement against the metropolis, which writes about avoided projects in the port area. “They say we failed, but it’s the other way around: our plans are in the first place,” he says. Apparently he can not hide the truth of the facts and between the lines he implicitly acknowledges what Metropolis has published: “The projects are in the rankings, but they are not funded due to lack of funds”.

The result is a bitter taste of failure. The bitter, drained, tired, lonely mayor is stuck in his chair the whole time of the press conference, sadly waiting for new comrades.

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