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Three weeks of artificial coma: Berlin "Lindenstrass" actor Kahrman Kovit-19 - seriously ill with Berlin

Three weeks of artificial coma: Berlin “Lindenstrass” actor Kahrman Kovit-19 – seriously ill with Berlin

“Lindenstrass” actor Christian Kahrman, 48, said in an interview about his serious goiter 19 disease. Kahrman told the “Built” newspaper on Monday that he had been in an artificial coma for about three weeks.

“When I woke up on April 5th, I learned that my father had died the same day as a result of Govt-19 in Cologne.” He met his parents in mid-March. “I noticed signs there. When I returned to Berlin, I had a cold and a temperature of forty degrees Celsius. ”

Finally an ambulance received him Was taken to a hospital. His condition worsened and he was placed in an artificial coma for three weeks. “I had to be airy. I was pointed out if I could go. “

His mother and sister also became infected. But he did not know if he had affected his family. In the meantime he was able to get back visits from his two daughters.

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“It gave me so much joy and helped me transcend everything.” Kahrman lost 15 kilograms. After discharge, rehabilitation follows.

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