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Three new free download PC games are coming today

Three new free download PC games are coming today

Today until 17:00 pm (Thursday, April 15) 3 out of 10 season two epic games are free in store, Meanwhile, which can be redeemed by April 22, P.C.

But what New free games of the week in the epic game store? about that The first tree, Complete trip to Deponia e Pillars of the Earth, Based on the novel of the same name (Pillars of the Earth) by Ken Follet.

The first tree

A third-person exploration game revolving around two parallel stories: a fox looking for a lost family and a son who wants to regain bonding with his father in Alaska.

Complete trip to Deponia

The terrestrial planet of Daphne is the direct opposite of a sober walk in nature. Surprisingly, Rufus tries to come up with a plan to escape from this place because it is enough.

Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett

In an era of poverty and war, a small village begins to build a cathedral to ask for well-being and security: in the struggle for survival, life and rules are intertwined. Based on The Fillars of the Earth, Ken Folt’s bestseller.

All three games can be recovered Today 17:00 to Thursday 22nd April, Once added to the library they will always be yours and you can use them without limits.

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