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This unexpected speed test shows how much performance has improved since 2007

The iPhone 12 is more powerful than the iPhone 1, the first smartphone Apple introduced in 2007. To realize the performance gap between the two models, its release is 13 years apart, compared to the iPhones in a YouTube unexpected speed test.

iphone1 iphone12 speed test

In 2007, Apple was surprised to see the veil lifted on the iPhone. With this The first generation of the iPhone, California manufacturer offers a real revolution. Instead of the physical keyboard that was in practice at the time, the iPhone relied on the touchscreen. Cupertino, the company that built the success of the iPhone 1, introduced the new generation iPhone every year.

Apple released a regulation similar to clockwork IPhone 12 Every year, the manufacturer adds upgrades and new features to its smartphones, including Face ID facial recognition, a giant AMOLED screen and photo sensors.

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The iPhone 12 crushes the iPhone 1 surprisingly!

Apparently, Apple updates the integrated SoC with the iPhone every year to increase performance. Every year, The new generation iPhone is faster and more powerful than its predecessors. To better understand the extent of the changes Apple has made in the field of power, Phone Puff, a YouTube channel that specializes in speed testing between multiple devices, has challenged Apple’s latest flagship iPhone 12 to the first generation of the iPhone.

For the record, the 2007 iPhone is powered by an ARM11 processor powered by a single core at 412 MHz, 128 MB of RAM and the Samsung S5L8900 SoC. For his part, The iPhone 12 we tested, Powered by Apple-designed A14 (5nm) chipset, 6-core processor and 4GB of RAM.

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So, as you can imagine, The iPhone 12 completely crushes its ancestor. Apps launch instantly on the latest iPhone, while the iPhone 1 still has several seconds to perform everyday tasks. Note that the 2007 iPhone still performs better, but is much slower.

The difference in speed is most evident when opening Safari web pages, installing iOS applications and using the contact book. This speed test is unexpectedly unbalanced, allowing us to better understand how powerful our smartphones are.