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This password may have been hacked by the administrator

This password may have been hacked by the administrator

LastPass is one of the most popular password administrators. But there has been a debate in recent days about his safety.

LastPass Password Manager has been accused by many of its users of security breach by stealing several important passwords. According to the company, if the facts really show that there is a hole, the truth is different.

The story begins when many users receive messages Lost Boss, Informs them that unusual links have occurred with their password. From there, things got very busy. In fact, the users affected by receiving this message were (logically) scared and blamed LastPass as the source for the password leak, which could have led to a major cyber attack.

This is not the first time that a password manager, considered one of the most secure places on the Internet, has been isolated for its digital vulnerabilities. In fact LastPass already has cases like this in the past, which adds even more value to the accusation made by users. If you are looking for this kind of service, our colleagues Lemon Schizer has developed a guide for password administrators.

LastPass has no evidence of a cyber attack

News of alerts and complaints quickly multiplied on Twitter. But according to the company, not all of these complaints are justified. In fact, according to him, the origin of this panic is caused by an irregular process involving the “dumping of identity information”.

These attacks could have been the cause of this problem, and these emails are very disturbing but LastPass wants to reassure. The Company guarantees that it will not find any evidence of actual hacking of its servers or compromises on personal accounts. In other words, no trace of the computer attack was found on the servers and user accounts.

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LastPass reminds you that you can use Multiple factor recognition To prevent hackers from gaining control of the target user account. This cyber security system is very popular today as 2FA is starting to show its limitations. If you own a LastPass account, it’s a good idea to change your password as well. While the company assures that no attack has taken place, it is good to be careful and far-sighted.