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This is why the whole world sets its place as "France"

This is why the whole world sets its place as “France”

Many Apple users Abroad they automatically set the location of their iPhone to “France”, which piqued our interest. We invite you to find out what the cause is.

Little known information in France

French iPhone users tend to ignore it, but there is a rumor abroad: it needs to be fixed IPhone location in “France” Avoid slowing down older devices. So internet users are adjusting the status of their iPhone in France, they do not live there, “to speed up their device”.

The “hack” in question has received a lot of attention on Reddit and other social media networks. It claims that this prevents the slowdown seen on many older iPhones from slowing down devices. So where did this idea come from?

Well-established rumor since 2020

According to GizChinaThis leads to a fine imposed on Apple in 2020 following an investigation by the Directorate General of Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF). A fine of 25 million euros In order to deliberately downsize old devices, installing updates will slow them down without telling consumers.

Apple confirmed in 2017 The company notes that it effectively reduces older devices, which increases the performance of lithium ion batteries. More specifically, Apple wrote in a statement on its website :

Electronic components A minimum voltage is required to operate properly. When operations are no longer able to support the full capabilities of the Power Management System, the system will shut down to protect these electronic components. Although this shutdown is intentional from a device perspective, it may be unexpected by the user.

Because of this, it is proven when users download updates From their older iPhone models (Apple claims that it is derived from the iPhone 8), They downloaded Software that actually slows down their phones, To avoid malfunctions and other battery problems. This apparently led to Some iPhone users are accused of taking advantage of the planned obsolescence.

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Rumor has it that France or nothing

Following the GizChina report, Many foreign users believe that from the French test, Apple stopped this performance slump in the country, and adjusted Part of their old iPhone “France” Disabling the recession. This is why many Apple users abroad choose to indicate that they are in France. Note, Also, on newer phones running iOS 11.3 and above, Apple enables different battery health systems to let you know if your battery has aged, And if so, when should it be replaced.

If you are a big fan of Apple products, we invite you to find out Top 10 crazy ideas for the next iPhone 13.