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This is how the Android developer protects his biggest asset

This is how the Android developer protects his biggest asset

The Play Store is the first and most likely single port for downloading processors on Android smartphones. This trump card will cost Google a lot of money, as new court documents show. They have less choice as smartphone users are vulnerable.

Android is free and open source, but restricts access to all important Google services, including the Google Play Store. Anyone who thinks an American company can pay for it is wrong – on the contrary. Sometimes Google pays manufacturers of Android smartphones.

Priority rights in the Play Store: Google pays Android manufacturers

As court documents now show, Google pays a kind of “bribe” when Android manufacturers use their devices Offer only on Google Play Store And do without the integration of alternative App Stores (Source: கோலம்) The so-called “Premier Device Program”, as Google calls it, has been running since 2019. The program also determines that no other apps should be authorized to install apps on related devices, except for alternative App Stores.

This should indicate the default setting in the delivery mode, and settings that allow users to download from alternative sources (such as a browser).

If manufacturers adhere to this, they will get one More share from Google search revenueMade from the device. It then increases to 8 to 12 percent. Manufacturers are said to receive revenue from Play Store purchases, for example 3 to 6 percent from LG or Motorola.

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Smartphone users are confused

Such methods are used by Google to ensure the dominance of the Play Store on Android smartphones. Most of the major manufacturers are said to have participated in the project by May 2020. One An important exception is Samsung, Those who have already installed their Galaxy Store on their own devices for a long time.

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In addition to the providers of alternative app stores that do so Less likely to spread, Smartphone users are confused. Thanks to Google’s practice, you have significantly less choice in the App Store.