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The Windows security hole threatens millions of users: how to protect yourself from attacks

The Windows security hole threatens millions of users: how to protect yourself from attacks

Windows computers are vulnerable to security vulnerabilities CVE-2021-31166 Threatened. It was critically classified by Microsoft and is now fixed by a link. For this reason, all users should check it Windows-version Is in renewal Perform an update if necessary. Due to security gaps, third-party Windows computers may be inaccessible.

Large companies in particular can be targeted by attackers. The hole can be used to install worm malware, which then spreads from one computer to the next at lightning speed. Private Windows computers are often isolated on the network, so this is not a big target for the attacker. Still, you should not ignore the update.

Horror Numbers: Most use outdated Windows 10

Windows vulnerability: Why enterprise versions are specifically targeted

According to security researcher Jim DeVries, enterprise versions of Windows are particularly at risk. This is because they have implemented a remote management service (WinRM) to allow access from the outside. More than two million computers need to be accessed via the Internet. If there is still a security gap the attackers will have direct access to the systems here.

In Germany alone, about 62,000 Windows computers still need access to the Internet. This applies here: only security updates will help close the gap. System Administrators should check if WinRM is enabled and stay on the safe side and turn it off when not needed.

Windows: Set up Remote Desktop – Here’s how

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