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Cette vue d'artiste montre L 98-59b, l'une des planètes du système L 98-59 à 35 années-lumière. Le système contient quatre planètes rocheuses confirmées avec une cinquième potentielle, la plus éloignée de l'étoile, n'étant pas confirmée. En 2021, les astronomes ont utilisé les données de l'instrument Espresso (Echelle SPectrograph for Rocky Exoplanets and Stable Spectroscopic Observations) sur le VLT de l'ESO pour mesurer la masse de L 98-59 b, trouvant qu'elle était la moitié de celle de Vénus. Cela en fait la planète la plus légère mesurée à ce jour en utilisant la technique de la vitesse radiale. © ESO, M. Kornmesser

The smallest Exoplanet known to date will attract with a sea planet

L98-59 is a red M dwarf very close to the Sun, an asteroid with many rocks. They are within reach James-Webb Telescope And is destined to become one of the cornerstones of the comparative extraterrestrials of terrestrial planets in relation to the analysis of the atmospheres. This system contains the smallest exoplanets found to date, the sister of the other three, one of which may have been a marine planet.

Surrounding planetary systemStar Returns to center with release on L 98-59 Astronomy & Astronomical Physics From a groupAstronomers Used by Very large telescope Of the European Southern Laboratory (The VLT OfThatConfirm and clarify what we already know about him in Chile.

In 2019, the NASA This had already been announced Female fury From Constellation South Poison Flying, 35 only Light years From The Solar System, There were at least three Extraterrestrials Telluric, one of them the smallest known to date. The invention of these Stars Made using the rock method Transportation And thank you Satellite Des (Exoplanet Survey SatelliteFrom NASA.

Methods of detecting exoplanets have varied greatly since the 1990s. They can be classified into two main types, direct methods and indirect methods. The three main modes are direct imaging, indirect transport and indirect radial velocity. CEA Research

Biographical signatures and habitat, comments should be handled with care

Let’s remember that Des, Which Eye In Nospier’s orbit, its purpose is to locate terrestrial planets located close to Earth’s and inhabitable. Since most of the stars in the Milky Way are red dwarfs, we want to find possible biological signatures in the future Atmospheres d ‘exoterres They can be around, and it’s easy to understand why Tess is examining 1,000 red M-type dwarfs so closely சோலைல்That is, less than 100 light-years in circumference, approximately 30 Bar checks.

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Let us recall again that in a definite way it is not certain what is really called a biological signature, and that an extraterrestrial is located. Residential zone There is no evidence that its host star or just outside of it life can develop or grow there. The ‘Astronomical physicist Frank Celsius, a CNRS member and laboratory de Astrophysic de Bordeaux (LAB), explained on several occasions what was going on in this regard. Articles As for Futura, in the case of the discovery Tropist-1.

Gives us a measure of the planetary transmission for the Exoplanet Orbital period, Its radius and assures us if we find this Exoplanet too Radial velocity method, We will get access to him Mass Finally we already know that its density, because its radius adjusts it Volume.

A team of astronomers used it Very large telescope To emit fresh sunlight to the planets around the nearest star from the ESO in Chile, it resembles being in the inner solar system. This video summarizes what they found in a planetary system called L98-59. To get the most accurate French translation, click on the white rectangle in the lower right. English verses should appear later. Then click the nut to the right of the rectangle, then “Subtitles” and finally “Auto Translate”. Select “French”. S ESO

Objectives for classifying the atmospheres of rock exoplanets

Led team Oliver Dimanjian, researcherInstitute of Astrophysics and Space Science The lead author of a new study on the University of Porto in Portugal and L98-59 was able to implement and implement this strategy. Speed Radial with espresso (Essel Spectrograph for Rocky Exoplanets and Standard Spectroscopic Observations) Equipped with ESO VLT and its predecessor Harps instrument (High precision radial velocity planet seeker3.6 m telescope at La Silla Laboratory. The researchers not only determined the masses and radii of the three already known exoplanets, but also contained traces of the existence of additional planets.

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L98-59 is a red dwarf, so its planetary structure is much more perfect than that of the Sun, as shown in the video above. Measurements of the radial velocity system confirm the existence of the three terrestrial planets discovered by DES and confirm the existence of the smallest known planets, whose mass is now measured using this method. It is very close to its star, so it is logically called L98-59b. Astronomers show it to be half the mass Venus. With L 98-59 C, it will be too hot to get water Fluid On its surface.

The case of L98-59D is different. An estimate of its density suggests that it may be Planet ocean With a mass containing 30% water. But as with L98-59b and C, we have no information on the existence or absence of the atmosphere and its nature.

L 98-59 D is now in the living area entering the stage. But again, nothing in the state has proven that it is very viable with high levels of liquid water. It all depends on the amount of water inherited during its creation, however it depends on its subsequent preservation The anger of his red dwarf The composition and presence are capable of corroding an atmosphere currently unknown.

L 98-59 E now marks his end Nose But its existence is yet to be confirmed.

The study of the planets around the star L98-59 will continue and will initially be with the future already James Webb Space Telescope. L ‘Very large telescope (ELT) D L’ESO, in Construction In Desert It is very promising to launch its observations from Atacama to Chile and in 2027, as explained in a press release by ESO Maria Rosa Zapatero Osorio, astronomer of the center.Astronomical biology One of the authors of the study, published today in Madrid, Spain: ” On the HIRES toolELT L 98-59 can have the power to study the atmospheres of some of the planets in the system, and thus JWST From the ground .

Oliver Demanzion adds: ” This system is a precursor to the future. As a community, we have been chasing terrestrial planets since the birth of astronomy, and are finally getting closer to finding a terrestrial planet in the habitable zone of its star, where we can study its atmosphere. »