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The PS5 is the best-selling console in Italy and the UK by 2021, with switch hits in other countries –

2021 is coming to an end and we are starting to calculate which games and consoles will sell best. Christopher Tring of this year, The PS5 is selling well in both Italy and the UK. The switch, on the other hand, is first in other European states. The calculation is done on the number of units, not on the revenue (this would be advantageous for the PS5 anyway because it would cost more).

In particular, Dring wrote on Twitter – you can see for yourself below – “In the UK, 2021 sales Click Is already bigger than 2019. That means 2021 is already the second best year for the operating system (after 2020). However, the switch will take a miracle to beat the PS5, which is now comfortably number one.

He then continued: “Speaking of Europe, The PS5 is number one in Italy, But in France, the Netherlands and Spain tops the switch. The switch is also the best-selling in Australia. December will be an important moment. “Therefore, with the exception of the United Kingdom, the sales numbers between the PS5 and Switch are not very different, and the December level may lead to changes. The size of the PS5 shares may be the same.

StimulatesIn response to the Twitter user, he says that there are more switch units than PS5 units, so the success of the PS5 is not due to Nintendo’s production problems. If Sony could produce more PS5s than it has today, it could gain even greater dominance in Europe.

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Speaking of PS5: 21.02-04.50.00 We remind you that the update is available, here is the news.