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The physical editions of the Ori series are coming to Nintendo Switch on December 2020

The physical editions of the Ori series are coming to Nintendo Switch on December 2020

iam8bit, along with Moon Studios and Xbox Game Studios, and Skybound Games have announced that the entire Ori series will receive physical editions for the Nintendo Switch.

Ori and the Will of the Whips

Both Ori and Blind Forest and Ori and Will of the Whips receive physical versions for the Nintendo Switch. Both titles are priced at just $ 39.99 and are currently available for pre-order at retailers worldwide. The announcement comes on September 17th with the global launch of Ori and Will of the Whips for the Nintendo EShop.

Customers who pre-order these physical copies will be rewarded with some bonuses. They can get six collectible art cards composed by Gareth Coker and digital downloads of the game’s related soundtrack.

“We & # 39; re excited to partner with Moon Studios and Xbox Game Studios to bring more premium content to fans for such a beloved series,” said iam8bit co-owners Joan Gibson and Amanda White. “Two Ori and the Blind Forest And Ori and the Will of the Whispers Both are known as mentally charged games and we will not be happy to remember their unforgettable moments through the release of this special physical edition. ”

See also

The three-signature Ori Collector Edition for the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Windows 10 PC was only available on December 8 for $ 149.99.

Source: Press Release

Watch the trailer here:

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