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The new certificate for download is here

The new certificate for download is here

The compulsory travel certificate has been changed again, in line with announcements made by Prime Minister Jean Costex on Thursday. It is available Ministry of Home Affairs, In TousAntiCovid application or directly below:

What changes

As of Saturday, March 20, exceptional travel certificates are mandatory for travel from 7pm to 6am during curfew orders across the country. It is mandatory to travel from 6 am to 7 pm in 16 sectors involved in reinforced activities: Eisenhower, Alps-Maritime, Ezone, Euro, Hots-de-Seine, Nord, Oise, Paris, Pass-de-Calais, Sean-et-Marne, Sean-Saint-Denis, Sean-Maritime, Som, Wall-de-Marne, Wall-de-Oise and Yelines.

In these fields, travel is permitted only within a limited radius of 30 km within the Department or around the place of residence, except for travel reasons indicated by a star on the certificate. Physical activity and walking are limited to a maximum circumference of 10 km.

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In addition, people living in areas subject to advanced measures will not be able to enter fields subject to advanced activities beyond the defined perimeter of 30 km around their residence. In the context of long-distance travel leading to traffic only through a part of the country for reasons indicated by a star in this certificate and subject to reinforced measures.

The penalty for non-compliance with all these measures is 135 euros, which has been increased to 375 euros (unless payment or dispute is made within the time limit indicated in the violation notice). If the offense is repeated within 15 days, the fine will be increased from 200 euros to 450 euros (for non-payment or non-payment within the time limit indicated in the violation notice). After 3 crimes in 30 days, the fine is 3,750 euros and six months imprisonment.

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