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The movement unleashes Casilino, but he works to save Conte and himself

The movement unleashes Casilino, but he works to save Conte and himself

Roco Casalino, who has been at the center of the 5 Star Movement’s conflicts since managing the government crisis, is working to secure a political future for Giuseppe Conte. And, as a result, to himself.

Grillini dies Castelino: "You have the wrong strategy"
Rogo Casalino / Alberto Pisoli, Getty Images

For two and a half years, Giuseppe Conte was the head of two different governments and he was one of the most important men in Italian companies. Properly a spokesperson, Rogo Casalino In fact he chose strategies and dictated the path to follow the former prime minister, in a dark but weighty direction. Now the lawyer’s adventure in Palazzo Chiki is over, with Mount Themo in MovieMento 5Still Bad mood for the spokesperson, Conte is thought by many to be the culprit behind the decision to reach the final confrontation with Renzi, believing he could. “AsphaltFormer mayor of Florence in the Senate thanks for the support of newcomers Responsibility.

Things went the other way, but Castellino did not seem ready to resign himself to secondary positions: in fact, he was the one who guided Conte’s strategic choices, for which he began to define. ‘Operation-Parachute, Built on the basis of the former Prime Minister’s formal entry into the movement – which he could climb with a positive effect in the future – thus guaranteeing the lawyer a key position in the administration, born under the guidance of Mario Draghi. In order to guarantee himself, in parallel, stock Communication Leader 5 stars.

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There should still be doubts – probably in light of the recent, unfortunate advice – that this is the person directly concerned: The figure hesitates, Hesitant, grillino not sure about the possibility of getting into chaos, more and more I now Disagreements With regard to the choice to be made with regard to the Drake government, they highlight more than ever the incompatibility between the different souls of the movement. An extraordinary character, a 5-star leader, in which the outgoing Prime Minister can be seen squeezing between himself. “Please keep the pions and larger ones in the bay“, Allowing a parliamentary filter. He, Conte, instead, aimed to rise above that role Partner The life-giving center-left coalition – with the decisive addition of Italia Viva, now set aside from the end of the government adventure – to the majority who supported Count Piz, in which he wants to be the prime ministerial candidate.

However, there are those who argue that the lawyer intended to run – with the support of M5s and PDs. Mayor of Rome. A hypothesis is not a very viable one, which would give great fluidity to the current political situation, but a precursor should not be rejected. There is no denying that Conte points to one European stock, Or in any case international, to be an important profile in the Italian political scene, but with a “superparts” position.

In action, however, Castellino’s numbers are now seen as unbelievable by a growing number of parliamentarians, aggravated by the ill effects of the chess match between Conte and Renzi:You got the wrong strategy, we failed with Renzi and now, we are forced to stop a Drake government …Are you still talking?“, A famous Grillino Exponent spoke to a spokesman in recent days.

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