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The Metro Tread is the Nintendo Switch title, with the most pre-orders in recent months, according to Gamestop -

The Metro Tread is the Nintendo Switch title, with the most pre-orders in recent months, according to Gamestop –

Gamestop has released a ranking of ten titles Nintendo Switch With More pre-orders In the last two months. Surprisingly, there were no Pokemon Shining Diamond and Shining Pearl remakes at first. Metroid fear.

It may not be the most desirable for the Metro Prime 4 we have been waiting patiently for years, but for many Nintendo Switch owners the Metro Tread is still the most anticipated and inevitable title, so it will win the competition of Game Freak titles.

By the way, it is interesting to note Double packing Above the standard versions of the Diamond and Pearl remakes, Pokemon Shining Diamond and Shining Pearl (both titles should be clear). The first is actually in sixth place, the second could not even enter the top 10.

Pokemon Legends: Arcius Instead Mario Party is in fourth place next to the superstars. Shin Megami Tenzi V is in fifth place, we are talking about one of the sacred monsters of JRPG, but a great result on the most important topic.

Metroid fear
Metroid fear

Here is a ranking of ten Nintendo Switch titles pre-ordered from GameStop over the past two months:

  1. Metroid fear
  2. Pokemon Shining Diamond / Shining Pearl Double Pack
  3. Mario party superstars
  4. Pokemon Legends: Arcius
  5. Shin Megami Tenzi Vs.
  6. Pokemon shining diamond
  7. Warrior: Get together!
  8. Toky Toky Literary Club Plus
  9. Sonic Colors: Ultimate
  10. Advance Wars 1 + 2 Re-Boot Camp

Staying at Nintendo, news about the Pokemon Legends will be released next week: Arcius and the Shining Diamond and Shining Pearl remakes.