Behold, we have less than a week to go before the introduction The halo is infinite In stores and on the Xbox Games Boss. As usual, as we are now very close to starting, The Complete list of goals Multiplayer and campaign, which, among other things, reveals Number of key tasks. Of course, the list and information below may be considered spoilers, so proceed at your own risk.
We learn from the full list of goals published by Real achievements, Halo Infinite has two separate objective lists, one for multiplayer and one for campaign, total 119 lenses Must be completed for an overall camera of 1,600 points.
Reveals that one of the motives The main tasks of the campaign are 14, Many of which are similar to those in Halo 2 and slightly smaller than Halo 5: Guardians. But obviously this is a conclusion because we do not know how long they have been or how they are structured. The game has an open world formula and secondary tasks to complete, which will significantly increase the overall lifespan of the campaign.
There are also objectives related to completing specific tasks or killing specific employers, as well as many challenges unrelated to key searches such as capturing FOBs or collecting collections and voice recordings.
Halo Infinite Xbox Series X on December 8th | Available for S, Xbox One and PC and will be added to the Xbox GamePass list. Have you seen the epic release trailer yet?
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