ESA’s SoloHI filmed a series of animated series from December 17-19, showing the comet Leonard crossing the field of view, and the Milky Way was a spectacular backdrop.
Ansa / CorriereTv
The ESA (European Space Agency) solar orbit heliospheric imager (SoloHI) filmed the animated series December 17-19, showing the comet Leonard crossing the Milky Way blindly. Venus and Mercury are visible in the upper right, Venus appears brighter and moves from left to right. The comet is currently orbiting the Sun behind its tail. When SoloHI recorded these images, the comet was between the sun and the spacecraft, with its tail pointing towards the gas and dust spacecraft. At the end of the image sequence, as the viewing angle of the comet increases, the view of both tails improves and SoloHI receives a lateral view of the comet. A blurred coronal mass ejection front is also visible when moving from the right side of the frame in the final moments of the video.
December 24, 2021 – Updated December 24, 2021, 9:55 am
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