The box under the saddle measures 22 liters and can hold a full face helmet; A USB charging socket is located on the back of the box. Inside the front exhibition, to the right, is a useful, easily accessible glove box.
The saddle is 790 mm from the ground.
The new Honda smartphone voice control system (‘Honda smartphone voice control system’) is integrated into the Forza 750 device, which can be viewed via a 5 “TFT display, which connects the scooter to the riding smartphone and allows voice management of phone calls, email, music and navigation to this function. It is necessary to use the intercom.The smartphone connects to the dashboard via Bluetooth and it is also possible to manage various functions via the buttons on the left handlebar module.
The Force 450 2021 is equipped with keys starting with the smart-key, which also manages the fuel cap and saddle opening. Smart – The key also works on the lock of the optional smart-top box.
Forza 750’s direction indicators also act as emergency stop signals (ESS): Break on, direction indicators warn other road users that hard braking is active if a minimum of 6.0 m / s2 is detected when traveling at speeds below 53 km / h. The system also recognizes wet or slippery asphalt conditions by relying on ABS intervention, which reduces the emergency fluorescent intervention threshold to at least 2.5 m / v2.
The direction indicators are of the automatic deactivation type and are based not only on the time but also on the recognition of turns using the two-wheel rotation speed data coming from the ABS sensors.
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