Public Administration – One of the first categories to be achieved through the New Testament seems to be the type of public administration staff. After Minister Costa’s statements announcing “a return to normalcy for employees of municipal and public offices,” that intent was also reaffirmed by Roberto Speranza: “The duty to evaluate in the future is a solution but of course you can ensure the security and fight the virus and continue with the Green Pass extension. For example for public administration employees.” .
Workers in sectors that are already mandatory – The other sector that the government has decided to extend the use of the Green Certificate is the sector of those who already work in sectors that require a Green Pass. Restaurants, Bars, Staff, Cinema and Fitness Staff. The new order also has a good chance of embracing them, forcing them to show proof of vaccination (or a tampon with negative results carried out within 48 hours) in order to access the workplace.
Local Transport – From September 1, it will be mandatory to show the Green Pass on trains, planes or buses crossing more than one area. The only exceptions are local public transport, although they may be incorporated into the new government maneuver. A large section of executives are asking to use buses, trams and subways. Transport Minister Enrico Giovannini has not yet disclosed himself on the matter, but notes: “The regulations already allow by local regulations to check the compliance of traffic regulations and transport company employees with health regulations”.
Students over 12 years of age – A key issue at Prime Minister Drake’s desk is the issue of the school. The obligation for university professors and students is already in place, but it is being studied that it can be extended beyond 12. In fact, minors have only been vaccinated since the end of May, with little time available compared to other populations.
Private Sector Employees – The ultimate goal of the Drake government is to expand the obligation to show the Green Pass to all workers in the private sector. In this sense, the Prime Minister expects government employees to take the lead in eliminating the latest union protests. It looks like executives are ready to open a new discussion table with community partners, which could draw up an order or memorandum of understanding. However, the aim is to complete this chapter within a month, with the private sector passport coming into effect in mid-October.
“Avid writer. Subtly charming alcohol fanatic. Total twitter junkie. Coffee enthusiast. Proud gamer. Web aficionado. Music advocate. Zombie lover. Reader.”
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