After announcing a few weeks ago that it was offering video games for mobile devices, Netflix took action. As announced by the site 01 Net, The streaming video site announced on its Twitter account on Thursday, August 26, that the games are now available for download on its Android application in Poland.
“From today Polish users can try two Android mobile games: Stranger Things 1984 And Stranger Things3 », We can read. If there is still work to be done to perfect this new service, Netflix still welcomes this first step.
Let’s talk about Netflix games. Starting today, users in Poland can try two Android mobile games: Stranger Things 1984 and Stranger Things 3. We are in the early stages, we still have a lot of work to do in the coming months, but this is our first step.
– Netflix Polska (etNetflixPL) August 26, 2021
Download games
Like videos, games are featured on the home page of the app. Taping it will open a page that describes the game and includes a download button. But by clicking this button, users will be redirected to Google Play Store.
In fact, unlike videos, games available on Netflix cannot be played in streaming. Users need to download them to their phone just like any other processor. For now, these first games are only available in Poland. Netflix has not yet said whether it plans to install these games on other sites or in other countries.
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