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The Castlevania Dreamcast version comes from its coffin ...

The Castlevania Dreamcast version comes from its coffin …

We can no longer count the number of games announced and finally canceled (or returned in another format – Hello Dinosaur Planet!) Today we are going to check out the Dreamcast version of Castlevania!

Originally announced by Konami in 1999, the game is scheduled to be released on Dreamcast before being canceled in 2000. There are rumors that this may be due to Dreamcast’s difficulty in winning the game against the success of the game. PS2 …

However, before it was canceled, an executable version of the title was given to the press, and a few days ago, a nowhere video appeared on YouTube entitled “Castilvania is Restoration”. You can see the owner of this demo CD inserting it into his dreamcast and playing a game. Apparently, this is a prototype; Different play zones (5) are not connected to each other and we can also take part in the fight against an employer.

Story level, it was proposed to play another character named Sonia Belmond and Victor Belmond. Everything happened in 1666 (we appreciate the year) and the main enemy of the game is a female-vampire … we are not sure, the game is in demo status, only this time this video allows you to get a little idea …

Link to video:

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