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Telegram updated to version 8.0: live streaming, new emojis and other news -

Telegram updated to version 8.0: live streaming, new emojis and other news –

The telegram was launched A new update is available today 31st August 2021, Where instant messaging application reaches Version 8.0 And introduce Live broadcast With unlimited visitors and other news.

Live streaming on channels and groups with the latest update

The update is available today, August 31, 2021 All users with iOS devices And for downloaders Telegram for Android directly from the page Dedication Of the service site. The current version is currently under consideration in the Google Play Store and will be available later.

After updating group video callsSo, today it is possible Do live streaming With unlimited audience, within groups and channels (in Telegram, there is no maximum limit of participating users).

Live and video chats are available in channels and groups respectively and click to start them “Chat video” Oh “Live streaming” On the profile page of the communities where you are an administrator. Viewers, if approved, can join the broadcast.

Learn about the latest news from mobile phone operators and save money, You can join the MondoMobileWeb Telegram channel for free to learn about the world of mobile telephony.

Other news from the latest Telegram update

The second change is about functionality “Flexible Sharing” See preview of messages sent after sending, along with other customization options (such as allowing you to delete the sender’s name or hide captions).

Other innovations, such as watching channels, allow the Telegram user to switch from one unread channel to another through a feature to quickly scroll the news and content. To do this, it is sufficient to look at all the unread content of one channel and reach its conclusion, and from here you can move on to the next unread channel.

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Also, you can find out the number of unread comments on the channels through a temporary counter.

Finally, Telegram has returned to update its messaging processor on the front Drove And Emoji. First, new animated emojis and new features have been added to find the most relevant stickers by voice “Special sticker“Can be saved from time to time.

Also, the telegram now shows the words “He picks a sticker” When one of the chat users responds to a message with a sticker, it is like what happens via a written reply or voice message.

Especially in the phone world you can get a lot of news and useful advice Subscribe to Telegram’s mondomobileweb channel for free.

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