In the submerged city of Pompeii in southern Italy, archaeologists have discovered a uniquely successful toad dating back to ancient times. The Archaeological Park announced Saturday that the four-wheeled iron vehicle is practically intact. The discovery was made by experts at Villa Civita Giuliana, north of the ancient city. On the side it is adorned with ornaments made of tin and bronze, which show men and women in erotic scenes.
According to researchers, the discovery is unique in Italy. According to early discoveries, this car was used by the Roman elite for festive occasions. So there was room for one or two people in it. The site in the villa’s grounds had already caused a stir in 2018 as the remains of three horses were found there.
It is said that not only the archaeologists but also the robbers dug up the value of this place in the mines up to the excavation site. It also caused damage. The case is being investigated by the Attorney General’s Office.
The Minister of Culture of Italy was pleased with the latest discovery. “Pompeii continues to amaze us with its discoveries, so it will be many more years, with 20 hectares still to be excavated,” Dario Francescini said Saturday. Most recently he caused a surprise by appointing the now German-Italian Gabriel Jugtrik as director of the archeological park. “A young director like Jugritical will improve the commitment there,” he explained.
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The ancient city of Pompeii is located at the foot of Vesuvius. When it erupted in 79 AD, ash, mud and volcanoes buried the settlements and partially protected the city. Pompeii was rediscovered in the 18th century. The archeological site is one of the most famous sights in Italy and always has some exciting finds. (dpa)
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