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Starling users get download speeds of over 160 Mbps

In addition to working with NASA to send astronauts to the moon, Elon Musk’s space research organization SpaceX is building a large network of satellites to provide high – speed Internet connections, helping Tom Cruise to film a movie in space. Late last month, the company launched the “None” beta program for its Starling network. Now, users are reporting that they are getting better download speeds than they got.

According to recent reports, users who have registered with SpaceX’s Starling Internet Network beta program, Gets download speeds of over 160 Mbps. It is, according to the report, faster than 95% of Internet networks in the states.

One of the beta users of the Starling Network, u / Hrizzle, Recently Shared Screen shot of a speed test from Oklahoma. According to the screenshot, the user gets 174 Mbps download speed and 33 Mbps upload speed. This is amazing because the company guarantees download and upload speeds of up to 150Mbps and 50Mbps respectively.

Starling Speed ​​Test S.S.
Image: u / Hrizzle

So, with these speeds, one can download movies and TV shows in 4K at any time and get a high speed browsing experience. The user who shared the screenshot above wrote: “Get out in rural Montana, where you have to pay with our alternate kick. Starling will always change the game.”

Now, even though the Stark network is currently in beta, providing high speed is not an issue for providers. It mainly relies on the Starling network as a major satellite, which SpaceX plans to expand into in the future.

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