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Starfield: 4 New Leaked Pictures for Xbox Exclusive |  Xbox One

Starfield: 4 New Leaked Pictures for Xbox Exclusive | Xbox One

Bethesda certainly plans to publish Starfield In view of the world this summer. The Xbox Exclusive continues to deliver its messages through various teasers from the developers, but this is not enough for the fans and new pictures of the game are leaking on the internet today.

[Mise à jour du 4 avril 2022] Four new pictures of the game have been shared United Sensei On Twitter. According to him, the version that came with the pictures comes from 2017. Images are included at the bottom of the article.

New images of Starfield in the universe

According to’s post, this is not the first time this type of film has been leaked again RedditRendering from the 2018 game version.

In September 2020, Same pictures Build By Starfield Seen with a similar explanation. Youtuber SKULLZI confirmed that this is actually an older version of the game from many years ago. Other screens have arrived In May 2021Some of them seem to have been shot in the first person.

Today, five new images have been released on Reddit, yet from this celebrity Build. No major revelation has been made here and we see situations similar to those we already saw a year ago. One of the pictures looks like a cross chair in its center, suggesting a first-person view.

Recent information about Starfield