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SpaceX brings back four astronauts from the Crew Dragon capsule International Space Station

SpaceX brings back four astronauts from the Crew Dragon capsule International Space Station

I will return to Earth in six months’ time. CapsuleA Crew Dragon of SpaceX Returned to Earth with four astronauts from the International Space Station. Dismissed off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico Panama CityIn Florida, just before 3 a.m., Elon Muskin completed the second astronaut flight for the company. It was an express trip, lasting 6 and a half hours only. The astronauts, three Americans and one Japanese, returned to the same capsule, called the Reliance, in which they were launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in November. Their 167-day mission is the longest organized by the United States. The previous record of 84 days was set by the Skylop Station team in 1974.

Four astronauts, three Americans and a Japanese man were killed by ISS last night. The Crew Dragon Capsule was disassembled at the scheduled time (20.35 hrs on the east coast of the United States, 2.35 hrs in Italy today). Other alternative sites were also appointed if necessary. “We trained the crew day and night to recover“Steve Stitch, head of NASA’s commercial flight program, questioned the capsule shortly before takeoff. He explained that SpaceX ships could reach the capsule” about 10 minutes after landing “.

Americans Michael Hopkins, Victor Clover e Shannon Walker And Japanese Sochi Nokuchi The first astronauts on an “operational” mission were flown to ISS last November by NASA’s essential partner, Elon Musk’s Space Agency. During a two-month test mission at the International Space Station, by 2020 the other two Americans have already sailed on the Dragon.

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