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Shooting Star Rain is nearing its peak!

Shooting Star Rain is nearing its peak!

One of the most beautiful meteor showers of the year has already begun its operation. Its intensity will increase until it peaks in mid-August. Here’s how to not miss anything in this aerial scene.

There is no summer without summer Beautiful rain of shooting stars. Every year, between July 14th and August 24th, especially on summer nights, especially on August 12th, it is time to surprise many at heart. Why exactly at this time? This is because in its orbit around the Sun, during this period the Earth again detected currents of debris at 109P / Swift-Dutt. comet She sees the sun every 133 years (the last time we saw her around was in 1992). For thousands of years, dust – not larger than rice grain – has been torn from its icy surface under the action of the sun and accumulated in currents that pass through the earth in July and August. The hourly rate exceeds 100 meteors per hour each year. This is one of the most intense we can see from our planet.

Radiation level of the Perseid meteorite, name derived from the host galaxy. Perseus is visible above the northeast horizon at midnight. You will have to wait until 3-4 in the morning until the sky is high to calculate the maximum meteorite on August 12th. © AMS

This rain of stars is called Perseids, because if we look at them from our gardens or our landscape meadows, we see them coming out in large numbers from a part of the galaxy of Perseus (see drawing below), all night long as the mythical hero shoots his arrows! Bright and stealthy arrows, sometimes with large cars (Fireballs For Anglo-Saxons). This is where its radiation is located. Since Perseus does not leave the northeast horizon from 11pm to midnight, you will do it best in the second half of the night and until dawn. Arrows

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Each & # xe9;  Summer & # xe9 ;, Earth Passes & # xe0;  Through dust currents leaving the Swift-Tuttle comet.  M & # x20AC; & # x2122;  AMS

Every summer, the Earth passes through streams of dust left by the comet Swift-Dutt. The hourly rate of visible meteorites peaks on August 12. © AMS

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