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Self-notification in the red zone: Where to download it

Self-notification in the red zone: Where to download it

From today Italy will be mostly again “Red zone“According to the anti-infective measures, however, it has a special value at this time, because it will be the last real public pressure: to reduce the curve of infection, to ease the pressure on hospital structures and to allow the vaccine campaign to accelerate with the progressive arrival of the already EMA-approved sera.

So, starting today, many Italian regions will be pushed back into their homes, with a basic download available for each: thisSelf-declaration This allows you to justify your travels.

How to Download Self-Notification

Self-declaration You can download it here: PDF.

Besides, keep in mind that travel is prohibited:

  • Proven business requirements
  • Health causes
  • Other reasons permitted by current regulations (Vague terms in line with all the nuances that emerge during these new phase controls)

The PDF can be filled online before printing. It cannot be stored in digital form (although many have requested it, this measure has not been verified during the months of epidemics) so checks on the roads should be submitted to the police in paper form.

Everything behind a click

Behind this gesture, for many Italians there is a forest with only small clicks to download and only one click to print, which is not possessed by large sections of the population. ISTAT data has recently confirmed this: even the simple printing of a PDF can become an insurmountable obstacle for those who have minimal knowledge of PC, connection, printer and the right document to find.

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In this context, it is useless to blame those who try to enforce the rules through self-certification (a tool used at the European level), those who try to express it electronically, or those who cannot align themselves: all the chronic delays that have accumulated in recent decades lurk behind this simple gesture. Delays that we now pay all together. The recovery was strong in 2020: many more families have the tools they need, SBIT has reached more than 10 million citizens, and cashback is leading more and more families to pay without cash.

When clicking, it is necessary to think about whether there are people around us who do not have the ability and potential to make that click: even a few more presses can be an appreciative gesture of unity.