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School and Isolation, Ministry Circular Below - Download PDF

School and Isolation, Ministry Circular Below – Download PDF

Here, after a long wait, is a circular from the Ministry of Health on new rules for isolating schools and managing Govt cases, which will soon come to Usr.

In the accompanying note we read:

Attached is the document ‘Signs of identifying and managing contacts in the event of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the school environment’, prepared by Istiduto Superior de Sanita, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Regions. There is a correction in this
In light of the communication management system for confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection, the increase in vaccine coverage and the reduction in the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 in the community, the preventive measures implemented in schools to improve face-to-face teaching are as uniform as possible.
The document in question will be provided to the regional school offices and educational institutions by a memorandum of association.


The Automation Of Protocol School managers and those who question the Govt representatives of the schools, in their presence a Positive case in school environment, If students or school staff are not immediately notified by competent health officials in providing information about cases, isolation and time to return to school, they will be called upon to enforce safety protocols with exception and urgency.

So the head teacher can suspend the teaching activities in the presence of the class. It will then send standardized signals prepared earlier Department of Prevention Children / Students / Parents / Guardians and Teachers (48 hours prior to the onset of symptoms or to complete the diagnostic test without symptoms), pending formalization and any specific actions (including isolating cases and isolating high-risk contacts) by the DoP.

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