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Samsung with issues: Why pre-orderers have to wait longer for newer smartphones

Samsung with issues: Why pre-orderers have to wait longer for newer smartphones

Samsung Looks like new foldable smartphones Should run well. There are reports that some Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Galaxy Watch 4 models are already struggling with delays due to unexpectedly high demand.

AllOffice has received screenshots of Samsung’s emails, explaining that their orders may take longer due to “unexpected delivery interruptions”. The company explains that the expected delivery time for the device is mid-September, although parts may already reach the customer.

Samsung Galaxy: New models will come later in Germany

Samsung: Among other things, the new Galaxy Z Fold 3 is facing obstacles due to high demand.
Samsung: Among other things, the new Galaxy Z Fold 3 is facing obstacles due to high demand.


These delays only affect certain samples in certain regions. Emails in Germany are 46mm Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 LTE and Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 512GB Model 3. These seem to have arrived shortly after pre-orders in this country.

No wonder Samsung is struggling with delivery interruptions. Apparently, no one expected the heir of the foldable phone to be so popular. So it seems you can not continue production.

Contribution Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Galaxy Watch 4: Samsung Has Delivery Barriers Originally appeared on and provided further information by CHIP editors.

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