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Rumor: Bloodline coming to PC, Untitled, God of War and Ghost of Sushima

Rumor: Bloodline coming to PC, Untitled, God of War and Ghost of Sushima

It is now safe, Sony More and more interested in the computer. After leaving Horizon: Zero Dawn On computers last summer, Builder PlayStation Announced that other games would follow a similar path, Start The days went by In the spring. But after him?

Untitled Nathan Drake Collection

OK, Crazy Leaks on Train Insists without pressure Sony Blueborn, God of War, Ghost of Sushima and the Untitled: Nathan Drake Collection. A list you dream of, and even if the internet user is mysterious, he has already hit the nail on the head by announcing his arrival Kingdom Hearts And Neo2 On computers, as well as balance Ninja Cayton: Master Collection. This is not a first time Blueborn Done on the system Talk about him.

As always, the tweezers are in order, but Days Con is sure not to be the last game Sony Go out on computers, Challenges are open on topics and they will be followed. And watched exclusive games Sony, This first list seems very reliable. Now for an adventure trip, Unmarked: Nathan Drake Collection Is on 99 19.99 Amazon.

Author VignetAmari M. / Clint 008
Writer – Tester
More or less noisy music explorer, hat and vinyl collector, fan of Blade Runner and Deuce X. I like Zombies and Kadulhu.
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