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RRB NTPC Admit Card 2020-2021 out!  Link to download email invitation letter on RRB websites - Full details

RRB NTPC Admit Card 2020-2021 out! Link to download email invitation letter on RRB websites – Full details

Indian Railways has issued RRP NTPC Admit Card 2020-2021. It was released Official Regional Website of 21 Railway Recruitment Boards (RRPs). All the candidates who got the NTPC examination date in the first phase can download the first hall ticket today. RRP issues NTPC Admit Card 4-5 days before the exam date. So, for now, the Admit Card is only available to those who pass the exam on December 28th. Admit card for tomorrow, December 29 exam will be released, and so on.

Earlier, in a statement, he announced that candidates can check their RRP NTPC exam date and city 10 days before the start of the NTPC exam. It also pointed out that downloading the Admit Card will start 4 days before the exam. Therefore, the RRP NTPC Admit Card is expected to be issued from December 24, 2020. However, It was released a day ago on December 23, 2020.

To download the Admit Card, candidates have to visit the official website of the respective RRPs and then search “City Information (with Free Travel Authority for SC / ST Candidates) and E-Call Letter” Link, under CEN 01/2019. If you click on the link, a new login will appear on the screen. Candidates can access it by entering the registration number and password (date of birth). Following this, candidates can download the PDF from the Dashboard to the RRP NTPC Admit Card.

Official website for all RRBs:,,,,,,,,,,,

The Admit Card of RRB NTPC 2020-2021 is an important document. Candidates have to carry it on the day of examination. Along with the Admit Card, candidates should bring a valid photo ID (original), Covit-19 Self-Notification Form and Mask. Proof of valid identity card: Voter Card, Aadhar Card, E-Aadhar Printing, Driving License, Ban Card, Passport, Identity Card issued by the employer or College / University Identity Card.

The COVID-19 self-declaration form can be downloaded from the login with the hall ticket.

RRP NTPC level 1 takes place in CPT phases. The first phase of the exam is on December 28, 29, 30, December 2020 and 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 January 2021. In Phase 1, R.R.P. Lakh applicants. Selection dates for the remaining candidates will be out soon. The RRP NTPC is expected to have several phases and will accommodate 23-24 lakh candidates everywhere.

In total, about 1.25 crore candidates applied for RRP NTPC UG / FG recruitment. NTPC CPD1 is the first stage of the exam. This is a 90 minute exam in which candidates have to solve 100 MCQ questions. All the questions in the exam will be 1 mark each and will be asked from Mathematics, General Intelligence and Rational and General Awareness. It is applicable to indicate 1/3 marks negative in the examination.

Only those candidates will be eligible for CPD1 and they will get a score above 40% in the exam. However, the minimum qualifying marks for OBC-NCL and SC candidates are 30% and for ST candidates it is 25%.

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Apart from RRP NTPC, RRC Group D recruitment is another major railway recruitment for which more than one crore candidates have applied. Dates for RRC Group D (RRC 01/2019) are expected to be announced soon. The exam is expected to take place in April 2021.

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