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Rosa Menga "Download" Pepe Grillo, open letter pro: "Many mistakes, I can not be a partner"

Rosa Menga “Download” Pepe Grillo, open letter pro: “Many mistakes, I can not be a partner”

“I do not recognize the elected political leader Vito Krimi, the permanent regent who violates our law; I do not recognize it. Giuseppe Conte, A person worthy of value, but as he always declared, never registered in MoVement. I ask you, with complete openness, and at the same time with affection and gratitude at all times: but above all, what did you expect? Last February, the definite downfall of the creature you formed together as a true visionary Gianroberto Casaleggio.

The movement, in the mouths of its most influential representatives, passed in a matter of hours, from the line ‘O Conte o Waco’, to the veto on Renzi and to the technical governments. Drake Prime Minister in the ‘best’ (for whom or what ?!) government with everyone inside.

You gave yourself your blessing, praised the former president of the ECP, called him a ‘grillino’, and promised to be ‘super-ministries’ for climate change, perhaps without realizing it, with the M5S ministers who have already been in the Department of Environment and Economic Development for two years. Leader, that change would certainly have been better achieved than Leopoldine Singolani “.

“After that, you didn’t say a word. The aforementioned Regent walked out with dozens and dozens of spokespersons in the House and Senate with a tragic Facebook post, including me, ‘guilty’ of not respecting the outcome of a vote … sin that vote was genuine semantic fraud.

By the way, since that day, signed and many others like me have not yet received any information from the Collegio de Probi Viri, which, as you know, is the only organization that has the task of determining our fate as a spokesperson .. or is it respected only when it applies to the law again?

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But back to the facts: After welcoming the whole of the Pentastellata identity, Nicola Mora, Barbara Lessie, Alessio Villarosa, While the divorce between the 5 Star Movement and the Rousseau Association is painful, nothing comes out of your mouth, while the controversial ‘kids’, i.e. we are all members.

On the other hand, speaking for you, so was Giuseppe Conte in the name of the movement, entrusting yourself with the task of renewing the fate of your being. Another selective amnesia, the highly acclaimed ‘site’ a few months ago actually removed any reference to being alone under the command of our law, with a majority supporting a steering committee of five.

Well, Conde did exactly what you commanded him to do, and he got caught up in the logo, the name, the law, the code of ethics, the program, the internal structure. You can not say that he is not clear to you and his intentions to everyone: he was summoned by the Speaker in Bechter from the first assembly with members of parliament, aired on streaming, Conte used the word ‘re-found’ to describe his work in progress.

You are an intelligent and cultured man, so I know you have not escaped. Before releasing a public statement, he should contact you, or worse, after negotiations with other politicians, you will not escape the fact that there can be no political leader who is qualified for this appeal. He should pick up the phone and ask you to use the code you only have for lists and candidates. So, I say again, what did you expect? You can’t keep your cake and eat it. Therefore, you cannot aim to combine the consensus and credibility that Conte enjoys without taking the form of the ‘Conte project’; You can not play as a party when you find it useful to have a regional framework for everyone, and it is also useful to play on MoVimento when you are afraid that you will violate the two commands and lose your hard center forever. Voters are increasingly frustrated by this instability.

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A structural alliance with the center-left cannot function as an anti-organization and post-ideological force. ”

“You know the way – he concludes -: The referendum on Rousseau to elect the members of the steering committee, and then, the new, subsequent amendment to give Conde the key role he deserves. You have chosen not to follow it. Now I have no satisfaction in telling you that you will pay the consequences. , Because you will pay for it, but those eleven million voters who trusted us three years ago.

I still speak in the plural of the first person, because for more than four months, my heart had not begun to beat for any other political project. But, as Giuseppe Conte told you, I now tell you that without a head above the heart, I cannot take your side and turn myself into an accomplice to the many mistakes I have made. . Good style “.