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Rome Lawyer Downloads CSM Prestibino: A Derby Between Viola and Low Voi

Rome Lawyer Downloads CSM Prestibino: A Derby Between Viola and Low Voi

So, the game Office of the Attorney General of Rome, Italy’s most important judicial office, counted as “two ministries”. The Supreme Council of the Judiciary, after taking the time, decided in amazement that the time had come to resolve the question of the appointment of a lawyer for the capital. The story is well known. Recommended by CSM in March 2020 Michael Prestibino, Is already loyal Giuseppe Pignaton, New lawyer for Rome. Prestibino, so far included in Beasley Claudio, has given priority to the most successful candidates, such as Palermo’s lawyer. Francesco Low You Or the Florence Attorney General Marcello Viola. The losers challenged Prestibino’s appointment before an executive judge that was correct in the first and second instances. The தார் And this State Council, In reversing the decision CSM, Tarnished the main motivation of the Palazzo de Marseille to justify promoting Prestibino as “local roots”.

Prestipino, A. who served for many years RomaUnlike the other judges, he was aware of the city’s criminal reality. But the executive judges refused CSM Ensuring that “regional roots” are a justification without any affirmation in circulars for offices. Viola in particular, the May 2019 vote was canceled by the Commission for Executive Positions. Florence Fiji, voted by a large majority, was eliminated from the top race of the Rome Public Prosecutor’s Office. Palamaragate. Participants in the meeting at the Champagne Hotel were unaware of him and talked about him as Rome’s new lawyer. And it was considered sufficient to destroy all, regardless of the qualifications conducted and the professional experience gained. Former Vice Pignaton In recent months he has tried to resist by all means. Even playing the card of appeal to the Supreme Court. In practice Prestibino, along with CSM, who went after him, appealed to the Supreme Court “Excessive powerBy the State Council.

According to Prestibino, the executive judges “Wisdom “ Proper CSM In terms of appointments. The date for the debate is set for November 23 next. This week, however, the course changed with the decision to schedule a lawyer’s appointment following the administration’s ruling. What happened? The most probable hypothesis is that CSM wants to close the game with the current team, without further adjourning the discussion. New ballot opens risk of fall: after Roma It will be up to you Milano Then to the Office of the National Anti-Mafia and Counter-Terrorism Attorney. There are two scenarios. Low you Rome’s new lawyer, if he does not want to go to that place Federico Cabrio de Raho In DNA. Or Viola If he does not choose the Milan State Attorney’s Office. Whatever happens, it will be an epoch-making choice. The needle of the scales will be the robes on the left, without one of their candidates, to be chosen at the home of the other. Both Lo Voi and Viola really are Independent Judiciary, Conservative current.

As the CSM’s results are pending, the judge’s resignation is subject to a statement Andrea Mirenda By the Court of Venice. Stubborn resistance to change “Billing system”, It is backed by an attractive politics because the most simple reforms at no cost to repeal it are completely deaf, which has lost faith in our sovereignty for many years now, more or less in secret, at the mercy of private groups and political circles, ”the magistrate writes. CSM “For these reasons – he adds – I no longer want to feel ‘complicit’ in any way with this hypocritical round or continue to witness regular ‘legal killings’. Mirenda, who made headlines a few years ago as the first magistrate to relinquish her post as Meragent, concludes, “at its peak.” Reformer He has hosted some of his contributions in recent months.

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