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Ring Fit Adventure is Nintendo's best game - reader feature

Ring Fit Adventure is Nintendo’s best game – reader feature

Ring Fit Adventure – Gaming is good for you (Image: Nintendo)

One reader describes how the inactivity of the lock became interested in Switch’s Jump Rope Challenge and later in the Ring Fit Adventure.

Ring Fit Adventure was the last game I thought I would describe as Nintendo’s biggest hit, but this is what I’m going to do. When this game was first released last year I took no notice and dismissed it as an expensive novelty for fitness fanatics like I did with WeFit. I’m always appreciated Nintendo’s efforts to reach new audiences, but it seemed to have nothing to do with me. Then came the locking.

After being stuck at home for months and often playing in bed, my body was slowly turning to porridge. Especially since my neck was developing a horrible trick from sitting in one place for so long. Apparently I went for walks, very long walks, but I didn’t find my regular daily exercise and weekly swimming.

I began to worry about whether I would even be able to cope with the physical demands of returning to work. Standing on most days in the midst of Lock Down health seemed like a daunting task. Then, with good timing, the Jump Rope Challenge is nowhere to be found.

The most important thing about the Jump Rope Challenge is its price or more precisely its lack. Even if it cost a few pounds, I very much doubt that I would have ever fallen. I have nothing to lose by being free. Here’s a new way to get a little extra exercise without breaking the bank. So I started doing the Jump Rope Challenge daily before my perfect gaming session. What amazed me was how good it was for me not only physically but also mentally.

It was only a few minutes a day but I found myself smiling happily as I tried again and again to clear the invisible rope. The motion controls worked wonderfully, the clear visual improvement did wonders for my drive and the game was generally warm and upbeat.

I started playing for a long time, and sometimes I look forward to those lovable minutes more than the traditional game I had lined up to play. My eyes were opened and I want to take this new gaming experience even more substantially. Jump Rope Challenge had done its stealthy marketing job. Nintendo knows what they are doing!

The Ring Fit Adventure was even more dangerous. Getting Times 65 out is a big question in normal times, don’t worry in the midst of an epidemic. I was also concerned about whether the operating controls would work better with my system and whether the limited space I had in my flat would be adequate. But after several months of scarcity, I suddenly got the game to buy again and somehow felt it had to be. So I got a chance, guy I’m glad I did!

The first thing that strikes you about the Ring Fit Adventure is how it welcomes it all. Unlike Wee Fit’s very sterile approach, this game feels instantly bright, colorful and full of life. Courses, characters and even enemies express a definite positive energy that makes the process of infection and immediate exercise exponentially more enjoyable.

Ring-Con acts as an inspiring and innovative interactive bridge to the world of gaming, providing you with a real tactile connection to what is happening on the screen. All of my kinetic control worries were solved by its excellent precision response – it does its job beautifully.

The game goes out of its way to motivate you towards success. Your key partners Ring and Dip explode with enthusiasm, Ring continues to use exciting surprises to reward your efforts and Dip quietly gestures with fist pumps and celebratory dances. I really feel like they are pulling for me.

My favorite conversation was the ring’s firm declaration that ‘your sweat is so shiny and beautiful’. (In real life I want people to appreciate my sweat!). The story is full of such humor and charisma that it helps to stabilize your excitement between courses.

As with the Jump Rope Challenge, there are plenty of vibrant, visual indicators of your progress that will definitely help keep your motivation going. But most importantly, there is no pressure. There are no goals, no weigh-ins, no lectures, no real negatives. The sport is not interested in turning you into Arnold Schwarzenegger, which is why you are better off sticking to the gym if you want. Ring Fit Adventure wants you to feel good.

After 65 days and 70 hours of play, I can personally confirm that this very simple but classic purpose game is a stunning success. I have definitely enjoyed physical benefits such as better posture, more agility, improved endurance and the disappearance of the creek around my neck.

But most importantly, I feel the mental urge to experience such a fun, inspiring endorphin rush of a game. A training session with Dip and Ring, which was an absolutely essential gift during this challenging year, can quickly dispel bad moods.

Nintendo’s full gaming protocols have always revolved around accessibility, innovation and fun. Ring Fit Adventure truly exemplifies these qualities at every level, providing an inclusive experience that revolutionizes the approach to a fitness sport, while not forgetting to offer nothing less than a completely enjoyable, life-affirming experience.

This is a game I still play after Mario and Zelda fall in the way and disappear from the switch light. I honestly think it was Nintendo’s biggest hit and the best filter of all their best qualities. If you do not believe me, try it yourself and you too can discover the brilliance and beauty of your own sweat!

Written by Ryan O.

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Added: Nintendo refers to new Joy-con sliding bug fix, Switch Pro rumors down

Also: Nintendo Switch holds best-selling US console record despite PS5 and Xbox Series X release

Also: Ring Fit Adventure now sells Zelda: Wild Breath in Japan

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