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Reveals an Internal Possible Date -

Reveals an Internal Possible Date –

Battlefield 6 There may be one Presentation Very official Close, basically Information A statement Internal Considered to be the most reliable for snipers, especially Call of Duty and Battlefield.

According to information coming from Modern Warson, It is often taken into account to publish various information related to major FBS series on a regular basis, often with precision, and the presentation of Battlefield 6 should take place May 6, 2021, Or Thursday This week.

The insider did not want to clarify how he knew the information in question, so it could be taken as a simple rumor without giving too much weight, however considering this Concentration of rumors and clues Around the new battlefield these days, E.A. Plans an event in the very near future.

For the rest, we saw two stolen pictures of Battlefield 6 last weekend, while we learned from Laura Mile that there will only be a few moments for this game in the Tyra series. Earlier, information about the presentation, map, vehicles and methods came out from another leak.

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