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Report: Our PlayStation 5 Downloads Wrong Games -

Report: Our PlayStation 5 Downloads Wrong Games –

Over the past few days, a member of our editorial team noticed a strange problem while exploring his PS5 game library. When one of our testers from Portugal tried to download FIFA 21 on his console, the device started downloading The Neo collection instead.

Interestingly, the problem only occurred when a colleague tried to download the PS5 version of FIFA 21 – there was no problem with the PS4 version. One solution was to go to the FIFA 21 product page in the PS Store, where you will find options to download all available versions. In the download area he can access the PS5 version as usual.

A little more bizarre is that Wolfwolf: The Apocalypse – Earth Plut was downloaded, which completely disappeared from the same tester’s library. He then searched the PlayStation Store for the game and was redirected to the days con product page. To his surprise, not only was information listed there about the extra content that Werewolf offers, he could also download the game he liked.

Since we did not find any similar reports, we would like to inform you that the PlayStation Store currently has the potential to mix graphics, images and links. Note also that these reports go to the Portuguese area. We will follow the situation.

Report: Our PlayStation 5 downloads the wrong games

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