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Renaissance Paintings & Nintendo Switch Games: Inside the Mind of Tike Maidza

Renaissance Paintings & Nintendo Switch Games: Inside the Mind of Tike Maidza

2020 was a strange year, but Zimbabwe-born Australian artist Tike Maidza was able to work for her, achieving incredible creative success. Her latest album, Last year was weird volume. 2, Signifying a dangerous departure from her previous sound, but acclaimed by critics – and for good reason. From the sugar indie-pop tune “You Sad” to the delicate “PB Jam” there is a song for everyone to dance to on the eight track record – “About You Confusing Someone – a mixture of many things that work just fine like peanut butter” [and] Jam ”- and the hip-hop club anthem“ Shuk ”. “The album is about the future, but I’m trying to embrace someone and the album is a soundtrack to that journey, continuing from my first album that questioned my existence,” she says Vogue. Frankly, her last album Last year was weird The trio she works with during the epidemic, doesn’t come quickly. “It simply came to our notice then. I no longer reflect, but express this faithful power, so it is not doomed, but more dark and experimental. ”

Below, step into the future world of Tike Maidza as she takes over VoguePersonality test.

If you could own any artwork from history, what would you choose?

I love Renaissance movements so much. Imagine having a “last meal” in your dining room! Iconic.

Which fictional character from a movie, series or novel do you find most recognizable?

Maybe Tony Stark [from Iron Man]. I think he is a really extraordinary and adventurous character. He achieved a lot but internally disagreed. That sentiment adjusts a lot with me.

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Have you ever heard any song?

“Your Girl” by Tedra Moses.

If you had to live in another city for a year, what would it be?

I think Los Angeles. I go to LA every few months to finish my music there. I was in January / February before the lockdown, and we filmed the video there as “moved”. I am really productive in LA and would love to stay for a year.

What do I find in your nightstand?

Nail polish, a magazine, some magazines, tea (I always start and end the day with tea), some self-help books and a sinus clearing spray.

What creative rituals do you have before / during / after work?

I like to exercise and clean up a lot before work, so I have a clear space for a clear head. Then, I try to work until the day is over. If I am not inspired, I will go for a walk. Then I usually play a brain training game on my Nintendo switch before bed.

What’s your signature recipe when you’re having fun?

I honestly never cook, but everyone orders a big takeaway from Nando! I prone when it comes to that menu, so it always falls short of a treat.

If you had to get a tattoo right now, what would you choose?

I want to get a butterfly – I don’t know why. Most of the tattoos I get now don’t really mean much, much more about whether or not they are aesthetic. I’m currently looking for some cool artists on Instagram for inspiration, so I will probably change my mind!

What is your desert island luxury?

Infinite fresh fruit strip because my island harvests seasonal fruits throughout the year.

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If you’re a cocktail, what are you?

Maybe espresso martini. I think it’s soft, but it’s a little weird and rough around the edges and I like the taste of the espresso martinis.

Which song lyrics best describe your song right now?

Every lyrics in Sevdalija’s “That Other Girl”!

Name the last book you read in a single sitting.

Untouched Soul By Michael Singer. It takes me some time to read books because I have little attention, but I enjoyed it.

What is your star sign, and do you agree with its features?

I am a Sagittarius and I will definitely align with this sign! When I get my best feel I have absolutely what it is described as Sagittarius.

What was the last note you wrote on your phone?

This is a note with the title / song thoughts: “Why do I want to love so badly?” Still do not know the answer …

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