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Registration and counseling at the Vocational College in Wesley

Registration and counseling at the Vocational College in Wesley

Open House 2020. It should be canceled this year due to epidemic (Photo: Private)

Wessel. Due to epidemiological requirements, the scheduled open day with consulting services and registration options at Wessel Vocational College may not take place this year.

A Registration Therefore the application can be made only by sending the complete registration along with the documents or handing it over to the Secretariat in person. Outside opening hours, the application can also be dropped off at the mailbox at the school gate. On the homepage of the College of Vocational Education (direct link: All required forms are available for download. Registration period must be February 1 to 19 Respectively.

If all enrollment documents are fully submitted and the school does not require any advice, the Vocational College will immediately send you a notice of admission by mail.

However, if you register after February 19, the desired course may have already been taken at the Vocational College, so applications will be placed on the waiting list. If required, these applicants will be offered alternative courses at the Vocational College.

In addition to the detailed information about the registration process and the required forms, the website provides Information about the school and its various types of educational opportunities, as well as the requirements to attend the respective educational programs. Under “Downloads”, for example, you can download digital publications about educational benefits and the school program.

There is one thing in particular Need advice, The Advisory Board of the College of Vocational Education is available for personal phone call. In order to receive an advisory appointment, the school’s advisory board asks you to send an email to [email protected] stating the syllabus you are considering in this matter.

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A wide range of full-time school courses in the four fields of agriculture, health, education and social affairs, technology and economics and administration, with work-focused focus and different school-out qualifications, covering almost the entire professional spectrum:

For example, in the Vocational High School of the Vocational College, one can obtain the General Higher Education Entrance Eligibility (“Abidur”) within three years. Benefit of Vocational College: In Grade 11, all learners begin their lessons in a classroom.

The two-year Higher Vocational School is suitable for students who wish to obtain a school portion of the Technical College Entrance Qualification (“Fashabidur”).

One year vocational school offers the opportunity to graduate from high school or graduate from high school after 10th grade. Since the career preferences available for examination at Wessel Vocational College are comparable to those in high vocational school, further educational qualification at a higher vocational school is possible without changing schools.

Infoplock: Registration and consultation at PKVesal

When: February 1 to 19, 2020

Where: Vocational Vessel, Hummingelner Landstras 38b, 46483 Vessel

What: Complete registration documents by mail or by submitting in person to [email protected], Registration Personal advice on request by email

Who: Students in 10th grade in all types of schools (Grade 9 in grammar school) and their parents

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