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Regional, Corsican, Guyana and Martinique elections 20 and 27 June 2021 / elections

Regional, Corsican, Guyana and Martinique elections 20 and 27 June 2021 / elections

1. Memory for candidates

The attached monument is designed for candidates in regional elections on June 20 and 27, 2021. It sets out the rules applicable to these elections. This also applies to the elections of Guyana and Martinique advisers.

2. Application Forms

2.1. The application form should be filled by the leading candidate

You can fill out this form by hand (link below) or online at the site:

Should be in it Handwritten signature Notice of candidature of each candidate in the list was requested along with the list of all the candidates by category (except in Corsica) and all the supporting documents mentioned in the notice.

2.2. Application form to be filled by each candidate in the list

You can fill out this form by hand (link below) or online at the site:

Should be in it Handwritten note and signature Must be requested and accompanied by supporting documents mentioned in the instructions.

These forms are valid for the election of councilors to the legislatures of Corsica, Guyana and Martinique.

2.3 / Appendix presents all the candidates in all the lists as categories

All the candidates in the list should be mentioned in the document issued at the time of submission of nomination notice. Applicants should submit in their section and according to their status in the list.

The following document may be used for this purpose, adapted to the specifics of the region:

  • Adding or removing sections depending on the number of sections in the region
  • Adding or removing taxes depending on the number of candidates per category.

For Corsican Assembly elections, you can use the following document:

3. Exceptional travel certificate for submission of nomination notice

Candidates (or their representative) can fill out an exceptional travel certificate to submit the declaration of candidacy.

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They have to tick box 4: “Judicial or executive summons, procedures that cannot be carried out remotely” Or equivalent.

To download an exceptional travel certificate, go to the Certificates Dedicated page on our site: